11 Weeks!

It's killing me to not talk about the fact we are actually 12w1d right now - but since I've always kept these posts a week behind I am going to stick with it!

So week 11 was pretty uneventful. We had another ultrasound and heard the heartbeat again - beautiful as always! The doc just kept saying we have a "perfect baby"! It's so funny - going from the land of IVF and information overload - knowing numbers and levels and having way too much information for our own good - then going to our new OB who hasn't actually measured the baby and told us oh yeah - you are measuring so many weeks and so many days was hard to get used to - but now I love it! He's the expert - he's been doing this for years - and he says the baby is perfect and that's all this momma needs to know! Here is our little nugget at 11.5 weeks - not the best pic but he/she is growing so much! 

I've felt very good this week and we now have been completely spot free for a week! As I mentioned - the doc focuses only on the good so we haven't once measured the sub chorionic hemorrhage or even checked to see if it is still there - but knock on wood and pray to God - I'm hoping it's gone or almost gone!

I have a busy day today - next weeks update will be a fun one! It'll be all about hitting 12 and celebrating with the hubs and momma! Until then I leave you with our week 11 chalkboard pic - the bump is really starting to bump!! 



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