Happy V-Day Babies
Last update we were 21 weeks and celebrating Halloween. This morning we are 25 weeks and celebrating Thanksgiving - holy smokes! I cannot tell you how thankful and blessed we feel to have hit the 24+ week mark. For those of you who aren't familiar (because I certainly wasn't before my 2 preganancies) - there's a certain gestational age at which babies are considered viable. It's obviously not a guarantee at all of course - it never is until they are here in your arms a safe - but the once babies hit 23/24 weeks they are considered viable meaning they could survive (with lots and lots of medical assistance) outside of the womb. You can see in the chart below once you hit 23 weeks the percentage is 10-35%, 24 is 40-70% and 25 is 50-80%. Once you hit 26 weeks it's 80-90% and just goes up from there. So I'll breathe even easier when we hit 26 and will be so relieved when we hit 28. So all that to say - a little bit of weight has been taken from our shoulders!
We had our 24 week appointment last week and it couldn't have been more perfect. The doctor walked in after the ultrasound and said "Look at you growing 2 perfect babies!". What a relief! They are so adorable already. Baby A (who is suspect is a girl) is head down and Baby B (who I suspect is a boy) is still breech. They are in the 50th and 51st percentile so exactly where they need to be and their discordance (the difference in size between the 2) could not be more perfect. It's best to have that difference be as small as possible as that means both babies are growing and sharing nutrients, etc. equally. My blood pressure and everything else looks great and he said he couldn't be happier. Up next will be our 28 week appointment, another ultrasound and the glucose test! Here are the last few weeks of bump pics as well as some ultrasound pics!
So that's where we are with the babies and pregnancies! I feel so blessed to still be feeling great and to be growing perfect little nuggets - we hope and pray every day that that continues!!
We had our 24 week appointment last week and it couldn't have been more perfect. The doctor walked in after the ultrasound and said "Look at you growing 2 perfect babies!". What a relief! They are so adorable already. Baby A (who is suspect is a girl) is head down and Baby B (who I suspect is a boy) is still breech. They are in the 50th and 51st percentile so exactly where they need to be and their discordance (the difference in size between the 2) could not be more perfect. It's best to have that difference be as small as possible as that means both babies are growing and sharing nutrients, etc. equally. My blood pressure and everything else looks great and he said he couldn't be happier. Up next will be our 28 week appointment, another ultrasound and the glucose test! Here are the last few weeks of bump pics as well as some ultrasound pics!
The night of my first twin moms meeting - the new member fiesta. I feel so blessed to be a part of such a great group of women and a great support system!
Looking back on this pic this shirt - although 7 dollars from Walmart - was definitely NOT a good decision....
Happy V Day to the Twinks! Big brother had to get in on the celebration!
Baby A looking all adorable pulling some gymnastics moves with his/her feet above the head!
Baby B - hi there momma!
So I'm still feeling great and have zero complaints. Especially for measuring 28 weeks already! The one thing that is weighing on me heavily is the fact that Baby B is breech. I am trying to make myself as prepared as possible but trust me when I saw a twin pregnancy is nothing like a singleton. I feel like I've done this before and then there are all these other factors to consider. The fact that you are automatically high risk (although so far the doctors aren't treating me any differently besides more frequent ultrasounds), the fact that there are 2 littles to worry about, there are just so many things that are different. I have watched a few twin birth videos to mentally prepare myself because after pushing for 3.5 hours with Ceej I thought holy smokes how can I push out another?!
So at my 24 week appointment I expressed my concerns to my doc after making the mistake of watching a breech extraction of twin B video. I assumed maybe it would be an option to just do a c section if the second baby is breech because some of my biggest fears revolve around having to labor and push one out and having to have a c section for the second. Long story short - come to find out it's against the practice of my doctor and hospital to do a c section simply because the second baby is breech. Of course if either baby or momma is at risk - no question - a c section will be performed - but not simply because baby B is breech. As he explained a lot can happen after the lead baby is out - often times the second baby will flip and get into position. If that baby doesn't - he said they wil do a breech extraction as long as everyone is safe and doing ok and he will go in after the baby. It definitely looks as traumatic as it sounds but I'm trusting that it's a version of normal and I know I'm in the best care possible. So all of that to say - send a few extra prayers our way over the next few months that both babies get in to a good position!
So that's where we are with the babies and pregnancies! I feel so blessed to still be feeling great and to be growing perfect little nuggets - we hope and pray every day that that continues!!
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