And the results are in...
So I know I've been quiet as a church mouse since our transfer and that was for good reason - because I'm a terrible liar!
On June 24th we transferred these two beautiful embryos and about 4 days past our transfer I felt distinctly the same feeling I had when I was pregnant with Ceej. There was zero doubt in my mind that I knew what it was - I was pregnant.
So Sunday afternoon - June 28th - I took my first test and saw a very very faint line. I ran outside with it waving it around and asking Chris if I was going crazy and when he said he saw it I knew it was for real. Every day since I've peed on a stick - ok confession sometimes more than one - and saw that line getting beautifully dark pretty quick!
I've been dying to tell everyone - like I wanted to scream it from the mountain tops and post the video on you tube but I just honestly can't believe this is real so I wanted to hear it from the doc first. This morning (13dp6dt) at 6:30 I went in for or first beta hcg test and the nurse called around 11:45. At this point they are looking for anything above 50 and our number is - drumroll please...1,089! None of my betas with Ceej were ever this high and he is absolutely perfect so I'm hoping and praying this means we have at least one healthy nugget in there!
Because the number is so high they are only requiring one more beta but offered s 3rd if I wanted it - yes please! So we will have a blood draw Thursday where they will be looking for this number to double then another on Monday followed by our first ultrasound on Friday July 17th - our 11 year anniversary! We are hoping its one for he books!
So why are we telling the world right now? I'm literally like 4weeks and 4 days pregnant we have a long road ahead of us and so much could happen- so why? And we believe that we've been so open this far and if God forbid something did happen it's just that much more love and support we would be surrounded with. Not to mention all of our babies - be it Ceej, the embryos we've lost - or the bar (babes) in my belly right now mean the world to us and we want to celebrate that and share them with the world!
Feels so so crazy to be able to have this app on my phone again!
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