Mommy Days

So now that Case is almost 6 months old I seem to be getting this mommy thing down and developing a rhythm (that is until a leap or a tooth or something else screws with our rhythm!) speaking of today at 5 months and 2 weeks Casey's first tooth popped through! Then two days later we got a second one! Here's the best pic I could snap!

So part of what I've noticed - especially recently as I've struggled with some tough times and very very little sleep - is that as a momma you have all sorts of days - and no 2 days are ever the same. I used to say I wanted a job where I didn't get bored and do the same thing day after day, month after month - well I have it! 

Although no 2 days are the same - often times they seem to follow a pattern and you can begin to bucket them into loose categories. I think there are the frazzled days - the days where you wake up with big plans and huge expectations ready to conquer the world and you accomplish none of it. I had one of these recently, Ceej wouldn't nap - every single time I tried to lay him down 10-15 minutes into his nap he would wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed, the dog was puking all over the house, we had vacation bags ready to be unpacked, grocery shopping that needed to get done - and I accomplished none of it. It was one of those days where you throw up your hands and say ok I surrender - let's just play toys and to hell with everything else. For those days - Chinese or pizza on speed dial is a must. 

Then there are the days I like to call "mombie" days. These are the days where you babe is up every 45 minutes to an hour and you seriously wonder how you could even function and God forbid you load up on coffee because you have a little nursling and on the off chance that they are affected by it you are screwed the next night and an even bigger mombie the next day. How do I cope with these days when I'm not a good napper (I could count on one hand the number of naps I've taken since Ceej was born)? I go for walks with him! It's the best way I know to stay awake an alert and get some fresh air!

Then you have your S.O.S. Days - those days where you are at the end of your rope and honestly feel like you cannot so it anymore. Whether it be from lack of sleep, fussiness, teething, and leap or just overall having a bad day - these are the days daddy gets a crying phone call to please hop in a taxi in the best 2.5 seconds and get home now. A few years back when we were still sowing our oats Chris and I went out on the town work his brother Adam and our sis in law Kristin. Chris had a few too many and I was the DD - he told me as we were driving home - "you could not get home fast enough right now". That's been our running joke so on the SOS days (there's only been a few) I repeat his words back to him.

And then there is the day all of us mommas live for. The perfect day. The day where the baby is well rested, if you nurse your milk is flowing great, naps are right on schedule, you get a shower and hell maybe even a workout in, the baby is happy as a clam and you have dinner on the table with a clean house and folded laundry when your hubby walks in from work. Just as with nap days - I can count these days on one hand in the last 6p the but damn when they happen they are good!

And then there are these days where I just don't even know how to explain it but you are overwhelmed and overcome by so much joy and you feel so incredibly blessed by your little one and having the opportunity to be home with them that literally sometimes I just look at Ceej and cry tears of joy - thankful that I am given the privelige of being his momma. And he looks up at me with that sweet smile of his and all is right with the world and I realize this is what I was put on this earth to do - everything that came before this was just means to an end - I was meant to be this sweet little fellas momma and I could not be more thankful.



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