IVF Round 4
So after our 3rd round failed we decided to go right into Round 4. We met with the doctor for our WTF appointment and decided to stick basically with the same protocol as all signs pointed to everything being perfect last cycle - it was just likely that the embryo wasn't great quality and wasn't meant to make it. The lining was perfect, my levels were perfect, the transfer and placement was perfect so why mess with a good thing right? The only switch we made was to ditch twice daily crinone vaginal inserts in lieu of daily progesterone in oil injections (versus every other day) - cue a very sore booty!
So we started right away with birth control, overlapping Lupron followed by a suppression check and then estrogen and finally progesterone. A cycle is about 2 months and honestly it seems to drag on not because it's terrible but more because you are just ready for the outcome! So this week - on Wednesday - June 24th - we transferred 2 beautiful (one hatching) day 6 blastocysts. The previous sentence is so important for 2 reasons.
1. We have never trasnferred 2. It's not that twins necessarily scare us - it's more the complications that can come along with twin pregnancies that has scared us. But I have a lot of positive role models in my life that had great twin pregnancies that put my mind at ease. Because we aren't getting any younger and the embryos were day 6 (although good quality) - the doc suggested we might have better success by transferring two. This leaves us with one frosty in the freezer :)
2. For every single round we have hoped for a transfer on the 24th. We have always danced around it - for all 4 cycles - they've always been within a few days of the 24th but we've never hit the date. The number 24 holds a very significant place in my family's heart. Both my brother and I were born on the 24th, my mom found out she had cancer not he 24th (which we consider a blessing so that they could treat it) and so many other positive blessings have happened for us on the 24th. Call me crazy or superstitious but when I saw that they had set the transfer date for the 24th I was elated. We are hoping that the 24th continues to be a lucky and very happy day for us.
So I'm still technically on couch rest as my clinic suggested 48 hours of taking it easy so I've had lots of comfort food, netflix marathons, and picture organizing projects over the past two days. Chris and my mother in law have been such an amazing help - babying me and taking care of my nugget. It's been pretty blissful to lay low and be taken care of for a few days! I am officially off couch rest around 1 today and plan to get a mani and pedi during Ceej's second nap and cuddle the crap out of that guy when he wakes up!
Any positive thoughts/vibes/and prayers you could send over the next few days would be greatly appreciated! We are so hoping and praying these little nuggs decide to stick around!
First PIO injection of Round 4 - gotta have cute bandaids right?
Lucky socks…always
Our two littlest nuggs
The glamorous ;) and very real view of what the embryo transfer looks like. It's honestly a breathtaking experience that for me is only second to Ceej's birth
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