Over halfway there!

Holy smokes - how is it even possible we are over halfway to meeting our twins?? We are 20w6d today and had our anatomy scan about a week ago. Thank God the twins look perfect! The scan was scheduled for 2 hours and we were done in 50 minutes. The ultrasound tech said our babies scan beautifully and she wishes all babies were like them!

We were extremely nervous about this scan as this was the first real look into if the twins appeared healthy since we declined the NT scan and all other genetic testing. For us it's a very personal decision -  unless there is something they can do to help the babies in utero which our doctor has always assured us there isn't - we will love them no matter what and feel that mentally - for us - it's best to not add another worry to the stress of pregnancy. I've known so many parents to get false readings or scares for no reason so we've just always been of the mindset it's in God's hands. Also - the fact that it is twins - if anything had come up in any of the testing it would have been hard to determine the true risk as there are 2 babies in there. Our doctor's assurance that anything significant would be picked up at the anatomy scan and could be handled at that time was always good enough for us. And thank God happy to report they look amazing!

So everyone's first question has been what are they? Boys? Girls? One of each? I am happy to report we are still team green! It was funny because Chris is staunchly team green has no desire to know until they are here. For me there are days where I am like oh it would be so much fun to know and plan - but in my heart I truly want the surprise again. I had to go to the anatomy scan myself as we haven't established a babysitter out here in our new hood so I was super nervous that something would be wrong. Even the ultrasound tech was like "You are alone?" Yes lady, don't make me feel worse haha. But I've found since I became a momma Ceej is first - always and above anyone and anything else - including myself. It was during his nap time and we didn't want to mess him up so Daddy took the day off and stayed with him and it all worked out. And I was super proud of myself - told her right away we didn't want to know the sex and to tell me to look away whenever she was near the "parts".

So what's my gut feel? I was right with Casey from about 13/14 weeks - I had intense feelings he was a boy and they were right. This time around my gut tells me a boy and a girl but it's not as strong as with Ceej. Looking at the ultrasound pics though - I'm convinced baby A is a girl and baby B is a boy. Baby A has an anterior placenta and I feel him/her the most - which is so odd. Baby A also looks very petite to me - that and the feistiness of feeling the kicks more makes me think it's a girl. For Baby B the profile just reminds me so much of Ceej so I am convinced it's a boy. But less than 17.5 weeks until we meet them and know for sure! At my practice you have to deliver the babies by the end of the 38th week (so by 38w6d they have to make their arrival) so they will be here by March 4th! It's unbelievable to think how fast this pregnancy is going.

I wasn't feeling much in the way of kicks and was a little worried and then all of the sudden bam this week it's been crazy. We went from not feeling much to seeing big kicks on the outside and it's incredible. I think I could have 60 babies and this feeling would never ever get old. I also have actually started to feel pregnant this week. I know that sounds silly but it's so true. I was running like mad throughout the second tri going like crazy, working out all of it. Now by about 4 o clock my whole body hurts and aches and I spend most of the night on the couch. But it's all good - I'm thankful to still feel great during the day for my little man and still be very active with him throughout the day. Including flying him around the room to the tune of "It's a Whole New World" like he's on a magic carpet ride in our new music class yesterday. 26 pounds of baby plus 20 weeks pregnant with twins is interesting. But keeping things like that up as long as possible has always been very important to me. Hopefully we can keep it up!

So I'll leave you with our 20 week bump pic and some of our favorite anatomy scan pics!

Baby A 

Baby A Showing off the guns already :)

Cutest little foot ever on Baby A 

Baby A - Quite possibly the coolest ultrasound pic ever!

Baby A

Baby B - who reminds me so much of Ceej

Baby B's sweet little leg

Baby B peeking out at us!

2 babies = lots and lots of pics!

And just for fun our sweet Ceej at his anatomy scan <3



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