The first 19!!
So I haven't blogged a ton yet about our pregnancy with the twins and it's not because we aren't overjoyed or ecstatic that we are adding two previous miracles to our brood but if I'm 100% transparent it's because I've been deathly afraid of something happening to one or both of them. I was scared with Ceej but this is a whole new level - which is odd because we've had way less complications (huge knock on wood) thus far this time around. With Ceej I had a huge sub am chorionic hemorrhage that didn't resolve until into the second trimester. With the twins I had some bleeding in the beginning that my fertility clinic diagnosed as a suspect sch but my OB on a detailed ultrasound couldn't find. I've been so very thankful for that fact but I've still been nervous. So anyways - enough rambling - I want to update you all!
So as of today we are 19 weeks and 2 days and the babies are the size of heirloom tomatoes or zucchini a - depending on the app. I have to tell you I'm so very thankful to be here and I'm counting the seconds until our anatomy scan this week to get that first official word that they look healthy. We decline all genetic testing as a personal decision for our family (feel free to ask me our thoughts on this if you want to hear them) so the anatomy scan where they measure al their bones and organs is the first real time anyone gets a good look at them to determine if they look healthy. So if you have some extra prayers please send them our way this week!
Our next big milestone after that will be viability or 24 weeks. This is when a baby is considered viable outside of the womb and the hospitals will literally right like hell to save them. I know you might say wow 24 weeks sound early but in my IVF group some of my most beloved mommas and babes are 26/27 workers and they are thriving! (Love you guys!)
Of course we want these babies to cook no matter how long it takes - literally my dreams are made of 39 week babies who go home with me in 2 days - a girl can dream right? But in all seriousness I love my OB and while we have moved to the suburbs we will be delivery and staying with our doc in the city. I trust him and Northwestern literally with our lives (and Rita our amazing doula!) and there is no other place (unless we have an emergency and can't make it there) that we feel comfortable delivering. One of the best children's hospitals and NICUs - Luries is attached to prentice where we will deliver.
I had a discussion with both him and one of his partners in the beginning. My questions were twofold - 1. How long will they let me go before inducing? To me there is no reason to deliver or induce early simply because it's twins. I trust them 100% so when they say it's time we need to get those babies out to keep them and myself safe - that's precisely what we will do. I just didn't want to go into it saying oh we will deliver early simply because there are 2.
My second question was would I be allowed to attempt a vaginal delivery? Some of you might think I'm crazy but seriously I think c section mommas are rock stars. That terrifies me and maybe it's because even though I pushed for 3 hours with Ceej I had a relatively easy vaginal delivery and would hope for the same with the twins. He says as long as he lead baby is head down all systems go for a vaginal delivery - yay! Although at 16 weeks one was feet down and one was transverse (sideways) but they am have plenty of time to flip!
Other than that I've been feeling great! The first tri brought some queasiness and a few rough days but nothing too bad at all. The second tri hit and I had tons of energy and started feeling great again! We haven't done any shopping for the babies because I'm a worry wart and superstitious and until we hit that first milestone we won't buy a thing. I'm definitely in maternity clothes and feel like I'm well on my way to being as big as I was with Ceej at 38 here soon!! I've felt lots of pops and flutters but no real kicks yet - anxious for those to start!
Oh and because it's everyone's first question - we are team green again! We won't be finding out the sex of the babies. If was such an amazing surprise to be able to find that out in the delivery room that we can't imagine it any other way and hen that excitement times 2?!? Holy smokes I die! So this week during the anatomy scan I'll turn away for the few minutes while they search for the parts!
And bags he great update on all things related to he Wiklund twins. I'm so sorry I've been so absent with the blog being pregnant and moving back and full time momma to the energizer bunny keeps me on my toes but I'm hoping to pick it back up and stay on top of it now!! So I'll leave you with bump pics which because I've been so scared we didn't start till week 12 this time!
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