24 weeks and viability

Here we are the day we've dreamt of - viability week! For those of you who don't know the lower threshold for a baby to survive if it were to come early is generally considered 24 weeks. Each day past 24 weeks the viability percentage rises and by 28 weeks about 90% or more of babies born survive. Of course we want Baby Wik to cook for as long as possible - but I take great comfort in knowing that if things were to go wrong and we had to deliver early - we are at least in the range where our little peanut would have a fighting chance!

This past week we welcomed on the new year on the couch with homemade pizza, a cupcake and sparkling cider and it was great! We also have been getting a crazy amount of snow - literally it may have stopped for a day or so in almost a week. We proably have gotten 18-24 inches since New Year's Eve!! For only the second time in 8.5 years my work actually had a snow day! Let's not talk about how I decided to make the most of vacation, never checked my email, and drove up there in the snow without knowing...so frustrated! But at least I got to turn around and have a snow day with my babies!

That's about all that's been going on this week - it's been a busy one with preparing for year end (such a sexy and glamorous life is the life of an accountant) and getting back into the routine of work again! As I write this we have 101 more days until Baby Wik's due date - crazy that we are almost to double digits! We have all sorts of fun stuff planned for February and March with birthing, CPR and breastfeeding classes, - 3D/4D ultrasound, hospital tours and 2 baby showers! We also braved the storm last night and went to pick out our glider! We went with a Dutalier upholstered glider that is like sitting in a cloud - I am in love and very sad it's going to take 10-12 weeks to get here! So January can just hurry the hell up and get to stepping - bring on the fun!

So with that I'll leave you with a fun comparison pic of 13 versus 25 weeks - same outfit and also our 24 week bump pic! Everyone stay safe and warm out there! 



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