CJ's 2nd Week!
As always with my bump dates - CJ updates will likely always be a week behind. As I type this my sweet baby boy is already 3 weeks old - seriously?! Slow. Down. Please! I had many mini meltdowns over the first 2 weeks because I just want him to stay small. Chris keeps telling me no you don't - you want to see him grow up and crawl and walk and smile and say mama, you want him to wave to you from the bus on his first day of school, watch him ride a bike for the first time and become the amazing man he is destined to be. And I know that - but right now I want to keep him small. But since I can't I'm soaking up every single minute with this little monkey!
So week 2 had been challenging to say the least. Mommy wise I'm great - I would consider myself pretty much fully recovered and as soon as I am able to start feeling like I have a little more energy it's time to get back on the work out train! I will be documenting my weight loss journey on the blog and will likely start next week at 4 weeks post partum!
The challenge this week has been breastfeeding. Ceej went to the doctor for a follow up and was under weight - at 17 days old he wasn't even back at his birth weight and the doctor was concerned he wasn't getting what he needed. This was a huge (and devastating if I'm honest) blow for me for a few reasons:
1. I feel like my mommy instinct was off - I should have known he wasn't getting what he needed. I felt so bad after the doctor told me that and I would just look at Casey and cry thinking he was hungry and probably wondering why I wasn't giving him more.
2. I had hoped to breastfeed for a year. And I still hope to - I am committed to doing whatever it takes to keep Casey's belly full and increase my milk supply - but immediately when the doc told us this I thought the worst and thought it was over.
3. I want to provide the very best for him in all aspects of his life and for me I felt like breastmilk was the best start I could give him and I was failing.
4. I wondered is it something I did or didn't do? Did I eat too much junk? Did I not eat enough? Did I eat the wrong stuff? All sorts of what ifs went through my mind.
So where are we today? We have seen two lactation consultants and have a plan. There are a few things we are trying that I am hoping and praying begin to work:
1. CJ had a tongue and a lip tie which he inherited from his daddy that can cause nursing issues. We have a May 19th appointment with a pediatric dentist who comes highly recommended and who performs the procedure to snip both with a laser. This makes momma very very nervous but everyone has assured me it's for the best, the procedure is 5 minutes and there's barely any bleeding. 2. I am taking natural supplements and teas to increase my milk supply including fenugreek and lots and lots of mothers milk tea.
3. I am incorporating certain foods known to boost milk supply including lactation cookies (they are so deelish - let me know if you would like the recipe!) and oatmeal. I have also started adding flaxseed meal and brewers yeast to my oatmeal. Oh and a Guinness a day!
4. I'm nursing as much as I can and pumping after each feeding. This should hopefully signal my body to produce more - fingers crossed.
5. We are supplementing CJs feedings. As hard as this was i know it's necessary to be sure he starts to put on weight and gets what he needs. My amazing sister in law offered up some of her stash of breastmilk to us - which we could NOT be more thankful for - seriously amazingly selfless and so sweet! Once we use up her extra stash we will supplement with formula until my milk supply is where it needs to be. I'm hoping it's temporary - as a matter of fact when I was ordering the formula Chris said to ahead and order the 4 pack and I said no way - that's admitting defeat - I'm ordering one at a time!
So that's what's been going on the last week and why I've been so quiet. Being a new mommy is the most amazing thing in the world and I could not be happier - but it definitely comes with it's challenges when you have this tiny little human that you love more than life itself and you want nothing but the best for them. Speaking of tiny little humans - I'll leave you with a pic of my two favorite humans in the whole wide world - hope everyone is having a great week!
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