Our First Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad parenting decision

Sorry I've been MIA for a while - Casey and I had a very big social week! We met my coworkers and had lunch with one oft dearest friends, Nadine. Had a play date with our cousin Savannah, had a visit from grandma W, went shopping with Marissa and Kaimbree and met some of our IG mommas at Navy Pier - I'm tired just thinking about all we packed in!

So tomorrow we are making or first big parenting decision. Casey has both a lip and tongue tie and both lactation consultants we have seen say they need to be clipped/lasered in order to improve breastfeeding and protect against future problems as he gets older including speech and mouth issues. We got in to see one of the best docs around who does the procedure via laser which is supposed to be best. We go tomorrow at 10 am and I am a mess. I know it's the best for Casey but I'm just freakjng out. 

The procedure literally takes 5 seconds and should be no big deal but I'm just so scared to put my little man through this. Any parent will understand this - but you want to protect your little ones from every single thing that could possible hurt them, make them uncomfortable or even make them a little mad. As I said I know this is the right thing to do and so many people have told is their little ones had it and were just fine so I know we are making the right decision - but it's still so hard.

I see this as the first of many hard parenting decisions we are going to have to make and question. Whenever we had to get shots or do something that wasn't so pleasant when growing up my momma would always tell is there are some things in life that we have to do that hurt but only for a little bit and I just keep clinging to those words for tomorrow.

Since we got the diagnosis that Ceej wasn't gaining weight our schedule had been pretty grueling where we nurse, feed a bottle and then pump about every 2-3 hours - including in the middle of the night. It's exhausting but I would do anything for this little man. I have so many what ifs running through my head for tomorrow - what if it hurts him, what if he's sad, what if it sets us back, what of he won't eat afterwards - but I know I have to trust the docs and send up a few prayers that everything will be ok.

In other exciting news I wanted to share Casey's 5 week pic - I know I said I wouldn't do these but monthly but I just cannot help myself! He's changing so much and getting so big!! Almost 2 weeks ago he was 22.5 inches long and just two days ago he was already 9lbs 9oz - he's getting to be my little chunky monkey! We are on 3 month clothes mainly for the length and last night I thought Chris and I were gonna cry when one of his 3 month sleepers even was too short! We've been trying to coax a reactive smile but no dice yet - I seriously think I'll bawl like a baby when that happens!! I hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday! 

And my favorite picture ever!



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