Things no one tells you about being a parent...
So for all you parents out there I'm sure you will be able to identify with this post. When you are pregnant and prepping for baby everyone tells you get ready, your life is about to change. They say go see a movie now it will be your last chance. They say sleep now because you won't sleep for years. People laugh when you tell then you plan to maintain your life style as much as possible. And you think damn Debbie downer don't be such a kill joy. Then you have a baby and you realize holy hell - they were spot on!
So here's my two cents on a few of the things I really wish I had listened to or realized before baby:
- if you are like us and have a baby that doesn't like to sleep you really will not be getting any sleep - for real. And we aren't just talking the first few weeks. Going on 6 months here - half a year - approximately 180 days of sleepless nights - add that to the end of pregnancy where you can't sleep to save your life and I haven't slept a proper night in probably 9 months. All worth it don't get me wrong - but definitely something I wish I took more seriously.
- Your type A planner attitude is going to have to go out the window. Schedules are going to get thrown off, baby will nap when you don't want him/her to, you will cancel plans not because you want to but because you have to and you will learn to roll with the punches.
- Whether you work, work from home, stay at home whatever - there will be days where it's all you can do to get yourself cleaned up and look presentable - and some days you won't and that's perfectly ok!
- Just because you stay at home does not mean you will have all this time to catch up on projects, cook, clean, and work out - there are days where baby is needy and won't let you put him/her down and it's best to just learn to embrace those moments - they are only small for so long.
- You will discover who your real friends are. We have friends who have been amazing with Case and actually want to spend time with him and we have other friends who sadly have yet to even bother to meet Ceej and that makes me sad but so be it - I am not going to beg anyone to be apart of his life.
I could go on and on but bottom line - no matter how annoying and condescending people may seem - I've found them to be spot on as far as parenting goes. So all you new mommas and daddy's I suggest you buckle up and enjoy the ride!!
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