12 Weeks in…things I never knew...

So as many of you remember I did a post a while back - about halfway through my pregnancy where I talked about things that Chris and I swore we would or wouldn't do with our kids (would we co-sleep, circumcise, etc.) and I promise to follow up on that one soon!! For now I want to share with you all a few things - 12 weeks in to Ceej's life - that I have learned or never knew about babies and being a mom. :)

1. Many babies (especially mine) have baby acne. Never would have guessed this! When I first started noticing CJ's it totally freaked me out until I talked with the doc and did some research and found out that it's completely normal. Some babies are worse than others and it's caused by hormones. So new momma's if you see zits popping up on your babes face? Totally normal! I would use a little breast milk on Ceej's but Aquaphor seemed to help also!

2. Breastfeeding isn't easy and doesn't work for everyone - so have those bottles ready mommas! I honestly thought that I would have zero issues nursing. Casey latched literally within minutes of being born and had a beautiful latch, my milk seemed to be in and all seemed right with the world. Until he started feeding for hours at a time and he wasn't gaining weight right. 12 weeks, countless hours of pumping, hundreds of bottles and scoops of formula later - we are still going strong and he is still getting breast milk at every feeding and I am damn proud of that fact. It's been a labor of love but we are trying our best to make it work. What is most important for new mommas to remember is if it doesn't work - don't beat yourself up! As long as your baby is getting what he/she needs - whether that be from formula or breast milk - that's all that matters! Do what is best for you and your baby and what works for your family - happy momma happy baby! 

3. Mommy comparison and competition - the struggle is real! Mom's compare EVERYTHING! Well my baby is exclusively breastfed, my baby is rolling over already, my baby smiled - a lot of it is great and completely kind hearted..but not always. One of the things I have struggled with lately is not comparing CJ and what he is or isn't doing to everyone else's baby. Case in point - sleep. CJ is not a good night sleeper. He naps like a champ during the day - and when he is asleep sleeps well at night - but the longest stretch he's ever made is 6.5 hours. Most nights we are down around 8, back up anywhere between 11:30-1 and then again for the morning at 4:30. For a while I would say well this baby is sleeping through the night or this baby is sleeping 11 hours, etc. - why isn't Ceej? And then I just realized it's because all babies are different. Apparently CJ is trying to catch up from the early days when he wasn't getting enough to eat and wants to wake in the middle of the night to remind us to feed him :)

4. There is no normal or schedule when it comes to babies. As most of you know I started working from home for a few hours a day until mid August. I thought great - CJ naps from about 7-10 in the mornings so it will be perfect I can work out, shower and work a few hours all before 10am. That was, until his "schedule" changed. So we adapt and move on - but just remember as a new momma  - when you think you have them figured out or they are on a schedule, they will surprise you - so don't let it get you down!

5. As much as you want to hold and snuggle them all day - it's just not possible. Ceej reminds me of this because he is a baby that after too much cuddling and being held he will fuss and want to be left alone. When we get those signs we put him on the floor to play or in his swing and he's a happy baby again. But the point of this is to remind myself and other momma's - it's ok to put babies down. As moms we need a little time to ourselves, time to keep up the house, time to eat and use the restroom and that's all ok. We shouldn't give ourselves mommy guilt over it! 

6. The worrying doesn't stop when the baby is here! Being an infertile and having a huge hemorrhage in the beginning where we were convinced we were going to lose CJ I worried every single day that I carried him. I told Chris, when he is here and I hear that first cry a HUGE weight will be lifted off my shoulders. So. Wrong. I worry about everything now. I think the thermometer is actually attached to my hand at this point, I worry about the color and consistency and frequency of his poo on a daily basis, I dig boogers out of his nose so they don't bother him, and I worry about every little bump and scratch he has. I worry about his development - should he be doing this or that right now - every little thing. Obviously it's a different worry but being a boy momma now - I am convinced I'm destined for at least another 18 years of worry!

7. It's important to relax and roll with the punches more than ever! So I'm OCD and uptight, everything had to be organized, everything has it's place and everything is on a schedule. That goes out the window with a baby - but I've learned to embrace it and love it. We do a lot with CJ - Cubs game, concerts, dinners, shopping everything. And in the beginning when an outing didn't work as I thought it might it would stress me out but I've adapted and love the kind of blasé attitude having a baby brings. I've also realized it's important to face your fears so you don't project them on to your little ones - or I should say I am learning this. We head to grand Cayman this week and I am terrified of the ocean. Not of drowning or the water, but as stupid as this sounds the fish in the water. Hate them, they freak me out and I literally can go an entire, scorching week in Cayman and not step foot in the water once. I have decided I have to get over it. Not that CJ is going to remember this trip - but we will be back at an age where he can and I don't want him to think he needs to be scared of the ocean or fish because mommy is. So that's my challenge for this week! Also I want to get over my fear of frogs, lizards and snakes - silly I know but I'm deathly terrified of all 3 and having a little boy - I'm pretty positive he's going to love them all!

So that's just a short reflection of some of the things I've discovered in the past 3 months - I would like to do these often as Ceej grows as I think it's great to sit back and reflect and learn from life itself.

I hope you all have a great Monday!



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