Motivation Monday!

Hi everyone!! I am super excited about today's motivation Monday because I can finally come and tell you that I tried this week - tried like hell!! I haven't wuitr gotten the totally clean eating down but exercising - I have finally gotten the bug again!!

So pre CJ I did all sorts of workouts - I started my quest for fitness with literally slow walking, on the treadmill, every day. That have Chris and I the bug to try jogging and running and boy did we catch it! I have done 4 half marathons and Chris has done many half marathons and even full marathons (I have never been so proud as when he completed his first! I remember looking at him and just breaking down because I was so proud of him in that moment). 

I started to "get over" all of the running because for me it make me skinny but not truly toned and fit so I got myself a trainer and I started lifting pretty heavily. This period of my life was a period where I was 100% obsessed - working out came before everything else - and I had a totally I healthy obsession with it. Coincidentally this was also the time period in my life where I felt the most confident and most sexy and comfortable in my skin. The problem was I had zero balance and it was not sustainable or smart.

When we discovered we had issues conceiving I worried that the excessive working out may be causing issues so I backed way off. I put on 15 pounds but still felt good and thought that I looked nice. During this time I think I was more healthy because overall I lived a more rounded lifestyle. In this period a class at my gym called Bodypump became probably my favorite workout ever. For you fellow pumpers you know what I mean!!! It's an hour long class that originated in New Zealand I believe that focuses on all the major muscle groups - legs, back, chest, tris, bis, shoulders and abs. Each muscle group equates to a song and then there is a warm up and cool down at the end. The workout focuses on many reps (upwards of 800 a class) and time under tension. It's phenomenal!

So my gym membership resumed Sunday June 1st but with CJ and his schedule and being at home with him I just don't think it's going to be feasible for me to go that often and Chicago gym prices are not cheap - so I'm teetering on the decision to cancel my membership and attempt at home work outs. Chris and I are also looking to get a treadmill and if we do that it's a done deal - no gym needed!

So all that babble - what have I done this week? A whole lotta body pump and a whole lotta waking and I feel great! I notice when I work out and eat right I hold my head a little higher and just feel so much better about myself! As you can see below I have a long way to go but walked about 36 miles in the month of May along with some yoga and other videos mixed in!

I love walking outside with CJ every afternoon! It's a great way to get out of the house without shopping, spending money or eating but it's something we can do together and I love that! Also In addition to the walking with Ceej I love to use you tube and do a little indoor walk with Leslie Sansone. I used to think these indoor videos were a joke but they are really tough!! This is my favorite one...

And how might you ask did I do body pump but yet I haven't went to the gym? They sell the DVDs now!! I seriously could have died when I discovered this! I always tried to find them on you tube but all I was able to find was German versions! They are actually a part of the beach body family now and so far I love them!! I've been trying to do it each day as I'm hoping it's going to help ton everything back up! 

So for now I'm focusing on as much exercise as I can get an healthy snacking like a huge deelish fruit salad to cute my crazy sweet tooth! And I would like to close with a few before pics that I took over the weekend. I struggled with putting these out there because in all honesty I am not proud of them but in this blog I strive to be open and honest with my life - I figure if I'm going to outhit out there might as well go "balls to the wall" right? So here are my before shots - I'm hoping that in a few short months I can wow you with some afters...



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